While the problem can be complex, the best solutions should besimple. Our credentials in bespoke engineering – having worked in this field since 2003 – means we’re able to use our experience alongside an ethos of creative problem solving. This gives you a fully turn-key solution. Our capabilities combined with our facilities means that we begin with concepts and see it through design, manufacture, and testing. Following this, our team of engineers and technicians can support or lead the on-site or offshore use of the equipment. With our expansive track record in delivering engineered solutions to oil and gas operators and companies within the energy sector, we can and will provide the best solution.

Engineering Problem Solving and Bespoke Design
So you have a problem you haven’t seen before. Something has stopped working, stopped turning, fallen off. Or, something has been damaged by a technician, an ROV, a cyclone. Perhaps you’ve reviewed one of your processes and thought there must be a better / safer / quicker way. This is where we can help. It’s what we’ve been doing for all the oil and gas majors since 2003. Engineering problem solving and bespoke design are our bread and butter and the essence of Blakemere’s offering. We’re familiar with the unfamiliar. See our list of customers and our track records for assurance that we can help you.
Energy and Infrastructure
Not everything we do concerns oil and gas. Blakemere has been involved in projects outside oil and gas since the very beginning, and our presence in these fields continues to grow at an increasingly rapid rate. From designing connection systems for tidal turbines and wave energy machines, to cutting holes through dams and demolishing wharfs; we’ve been involved in some fascinating civil, energy, and infrastructure projects. Have a look at our track records for some details.
Concept Development and FEED
Got a complex job to do and don’t know where to start? Our
capabilities, backed by a wealth of experience, means that wecan help you arrive at the ideal strategy. Our internal processes follow robust concept selection procedures, FEED studies, and FMEAs to ensure the right path is taken from the very beginning. This gives you comfort and visibility prior to significant capital investment. We apply the same principles in various scales to everything we do, whether it be a small tool or the decommissioning of subsea field.